Find Peace Again in Your Christian Walk

Discover the practical steps to heal your heart, take control of your emotions and revolutionize your relationships, using Biblical principles!

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Does This Sound Like You?

Your wondering what is God’s will for your life and why He seems so distant

Your frustrated and overwhelmed with everything that’s on your plate

Your feeling like you are not good enough, loving enough, genuine enough of a Christian

Your longing for deeper and more meaningful relationships with your loved ones


I help Christian women who feel the pressure of being perfect, yet never seem to measure up, to find peace with God, with themselves and with the people nearest their hearts.

3 Steps To Find Peace Again

Finding Peace Again Becomes A Lot Easier Once Your Follow The Right Steps

Your Relationship with God

Your relationship with God. Delve deep into the beliefs that affect your life and identity :God’s character and his will for your life.

Your Relationship with Yourself

Your relationship with yourself : Finally understand why you feel the way you feel and what to do about it.

Your Relationship with Others

how to have deeper more fulfilling relationships without compromising your identity, how to set healthy boundaries and expectations, the biblical way.

Delve deep into the beliefs that affect your life and identity :God’s character and his will for your life.

Finally understand why you feel the way you feel and what to do about it.

How to have deeper more fulfilling relationships without compromising your identity, how to set healthy boundaries and expectations, the biblical way.

I'm Florina Rosca

Hey there my beautiful sister!

Let’s be honest, no matter how deeply you want to be a good Christian, to be strong against challenges and love people with all your heart, life can get hard! Your mind can get confused and your heart weighed down, torn between tending to your own soul and helping everyone else.

You don’t have to carry all those burdens alone! We are all part of a larger body, we all have blind spots, we all get tired, and sometimes it’s ok to share the load!

As a recovering perfectionist, trauma overcomer, passionate lover of people and God, personal growth junkie and certified life coach, I’ve made it my mission to empower my fellow Christian women, using practical, biblical principles. It is my honor to walk with you the complex path to healing your heart, your connection with God, and your relationships with those who matter most to you!

You don’t have to feel guilty for not having it all figured out! Let’s heal and grow together, in Christ!

Coach Florina

(God really has a sense of humor with how my name was chosen, and how well it depicts my obsession with flowers and nature 💕☺️🌺)

My Mission Is To

My mission is to guide Christian women through their emotional and spiritual struggles by offering faith-based life coaching rooted in Biblical principles. I support women in navigating feelings of frustration, confusion, and emotional exhaustion, helping them realign with God's will.

Through personalized coaching, I empower them to experience inner peace, improve their relationships, and embrace their God-given roles. My holistic approach helps women achieve emotional well-being, strengthen their faith, and create a more fulfilling, spiritually aligned life. I am dedicated to helping them live with purpose, clarity, and harmony in Christ.

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What Some Of My Amazing Clients Have To Say

*To protect the privacy of my clients, names and pictures are not displayed.

When I started coaching with Florina I felt so tired and hopeless, drowning in a pit of too many things to do for too many people, and not enough time and energy to get it all done. She helped me see my limitations and my power, guiding me though God’s word and giving me practical tools to use whenever I felt overwhelmed. I have gained so much more joy and confidence in my life. I feel comfortable now to set limits at work and at home. Instead of feeling like a victim of my circumstances, I feel like I have options and I can find time for rest, for hobbies, my health, and my family. My priorities are now straight and I am so much happier! I can’t thank you enough, Florina!


Florina is a fantastic coach who has helped me tremendously with exposing the lies that I had come to believe were my identity. She has a unique ability to shine light in the hidden places of hearts and minds, tearing down strongholds that had kept me stuck for years, ruminating, self-deprecating, carrying misappropriated guilt, and unforgiveness for myself and others. Her gentle and comforting approach, lovingly corrects and empathizes with open wounds while giving sound advice and guidance that has been a sweet salve helping me begin and succeed in my healing journey. I have gained confidence in setting healthy boundaries, seeing myself through eyes of love, and giving myself permission to not only exist but chart a path to thrive in faith, hope, and love. I highly recommend booking a session with her, but I have no doubt you will desire to have more than one as you likely will not only leave refreshed but you’ll be equipped with tools to put into practice. She’s a true treasure!


I have learned more about myself and what I can do to overcome my problems in a few coaching sessions with Florina than I did in years of therapy! Working with Florina really helped me cope with strong emotions during a very difficult time in my life. She helped me understand my feelings and myself, much better and gave me tools to work on myself and overcome a lot of my struggles and fears. She is understanding, has great insights and feedback, and she understood in many situations what was happening inside me before even I could. It was great working with her!


These sessions brought so much value to my life! Before starting the coaching, I couldn’t see how I was people pleasing and misunderstanding that God also wanted me to see and value myself. I was also in therapy with a psychologist and the coaching helped me to bridge the gap between psychology and Christianity. While working on my specific concerns in the areas that I needed support, I was able to gain tools that address my struggles, build self esteem in a biblical way, and have a sounding board to discuss things with in order to continue to build my toolkit for life. I have been making some breakthroughs in communication in my marriage and I can address my feelings so much better while also checking my expectations. I am reminded of all the scripture we talked about in our sessions. Even if change takes time, I can sit in compassion and my anxiety calms with all the reassurance we have built together. Your guidance has made this easy to apply to everyday struggles as well as much larger struggles. This coaching has changed my life!


Florina helped me find a way out of my constant guilt that I am not doing enough, and to reconnect with God in a fresh new way while being a busy, overwhelmed mother and wife. My mind is so much clearer on what is my responsibility, what I can control and how to see God in my everyday experiences!


Florina is so compassionate, caring, understanding, supportive, encouraging and calming. She reminded me each time we spoke of how we have the love of God to guide us through situations, how we can seek comfort in that love and the beauty around us, another gift from God. I appreciate the time and non-judgmental support she gave me during our calls.


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